For Anyone Looking To Generate MORE Revenue From Their Online Course

How To Triple Your Online Course Profits & Get An Unlimited, FREE Supply Of Regular, Recurring & High Ticket Sales In Just 30 Days Time

You’re about to learn a unique online marketing system that will show you how to get as many paid signups as you can handle for your online course and effortlessly convert them into multiple, recurring and high ticket sales on complete autopilot at no cost

The DCP training program teaches you a counter-intuitive approach to getting regular sales for your online course without spending money on ads, giving away free stuff or writing endless hours of content.

You achieve this by creating a high value, low cost, 'new customer offer' using the content you already have on a landing page that can be run alongside your current setup.

These landing pages are specifically designed to turn at least 15-20% of your cold traffic into customers on autopilot, on a daily basis.

(Which is way better than the 1-2% you might be getting right now...)

It will then show you how to sell these new signups all your other courses, products and services in a natural, non salesy way using a combination of automated emails, membership areas and 'value bombs'...within 7-14 days.

If you're just starting out in the online course world or you're an established player who wants to increase their current online course income, then this brand new training program is certainly for you.






All payments are processed safely by Stripe & PayPal using 256-bit high security encryption.

Your purchase is fully covered by our 'no questions asked' 90 day money back guarantee.

This Is The Only System You Need To Successfully Sell Courses, Training Programs Or Lessons Online

We can do something you can't. We can acquire as many paid members as we can handle for our online course at no cost and get them to buy everything we try to sell them within 7-14 days. All that knowledge has been condensed into this 15 part online video training so that you can implement this system too. Here's what you're about to learn in the next few minutes:

Lesson 1: The 'Customer Journey' Roadmap To Success

Discover how to turn complete strangers into loyal, raving fans with a simple, 8 step road map that’s used by the most successful learning providers to sell their high ticket courses online.

Lesson 2: Here's How Not To Market Your Course Online

We’re going to show you another marketing method that is very common right now. If you’re trying to sell your online course this way, then you're destined to fail miserably.

Lesson 3: Why 'Competing On Economics' Is The Answer

Here’s where you’re going to learn about ‘inclusion marketing’ and how it can give you the ability to be able to afford to pay way more for a customer than any of your competitors.

Lesson 4: Here's A Simple Method To Triple Course Sales

The secret to having a really successful, thriving course. This is what’s going to transform your business in so many ways and help you live the life you want, without a huge budget.

Lesson 5: How To Create An Irresistible 'Entry Level' Course

Forget giving away freebies to try and get more sales. Instead, create a high value, low cost entry level course that puts rocket fuel into your online marketing strategy.

Lesson 6: The High Converting Online Course Landing Page

Most landing pages only convert at around 2-5% when sent cold traffic. You’re going to learn how to create a landing page for your online course that can convert between 15-20%.

Lesson 7: How To Restructure Your Course For Success

This is where you’re going to learn how to split your online course business into two parts. One part will fund advertising and get unlimited customers, the other will generate pure profit.

Lesson 8: The Most Valuable Piece Of The Marketing Puzzle

In this lesson we’ll show you how to introduce one of the most valuable pieces of your online marketing. This single piece will sell everything you have to sell for free on autopilot.

Lesson 9: Separating Course Buyers Into Profitable Piles

This is email marketing on steroids. You’ll learn how to split your online course buyers into different lists and then use content you already have to get them to willingly buy more from you.

Lesson 10: The ONLY Online Course Platform You Need

This is hands down the BEST platform you need to successfully sell and deliver your courses online. Easy to use, full of features, fast, and the cheapest out there by a long country mile.

Lesson 11: Selling High Ticket Items Without The Stress

Do you want to learn how to get people who've already purchased from you to buy your high priced course without the need for pushy sales tactics? Then watch this lesson now.

Lesson 12: How To Sell Online Workshops To Your Learners

In this lesson we’ll teach you how to market and sell 30 and 60 minute 1 to 1 or group workshops to all your learners online, at any price you want, to help them achieve their goals.

Lesson 13: How To Automate All Of Your Online Course Sales

Let's take everything you've learned so far and turn it into a fully automated online course business that generates profit around the clock and saves you thousands in marketing spend.

Lesson 14: The Ultimate Online Course Affiliate System

Now you've learned the machine, we're going to teach you how to build an army of affiliates who will willingly go out there, promote your course and get even more sales for you.

Lesson 15: Finding The Perfect Learners For Your Course

This tutorial will help you to find out everything you could possibly need to know about your perfect learner so you can target them more effectively with your valuable 'entry course' offer.






The DCP Training Program Is A Shortcut To Marketing Your Course Online ... Unlike Anything You've Seen Before

Before we created this model we were using webinars, freebies, and other ways to acquire sales, eventually those methods crashed and burned; due to the economics not working out. So we decided to find a better way to sell our online training program.

After spending thousands testing, we were able to generate a healthy income from selling online courses using this exact model that you’re going to learn today.

Marketing is one of the most important skills you need to master if you want to grow your business and most online course creators spend too much wasted time and money on duff tactics that no longer work as well as they used to.

The DCP model uses a different tactic that can be run alongside your current setup which allows you to acquire new members for free, while at the same time ascending a good portion of those members into becoming purchasers of your more expensive courses, products and services on a regular basis.

Here's what this actually means for your online course business right now…  

Every online course business is built on one thing and one thing only – it's ability to generate revenue. And revenue is largely based on the ability to get sales. 

Generating sales is also the #1 expense a business will incur in it’s quest for growth.

That’s why we developed the DCP model to allow you to get new members for free… 

…And then be able to turn those new members into loyal, raving fans who buy everything and anything you can sell them… on a regular basis. 

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate our entire Digital Course Profits system by signing up to this exclusive online training program.

See below to learn how it works in detail; here’s a quick graphic to show you:

How far you scale is up to you.  

Now, we have the benefit of over 30 years experience of selling digital products. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results.

So with that said, you need to know that your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

And yes, it's going to take you a lot of time and energy to achieve the best results.  

But if you follow everything we teach you and implement it as soon as possible, you'll be one step ahead of the competition.

In fact, we'll go as far as saying that you'll have an unfair advantage over everyone else selling digital courses and lessons online. The speed at which you get this advantage is up to you...

You'll Be Able To Get An Unlimited Supply Of Sales For Your Online Course, Every Single Day...At No Cost

The DCP training program will teach you a counter-intuitive approach to selling online courses or lessons that will allow you to get as many new, paying members as you can handle on complete autopilot, for free.

It will then show you how to use ‘awareness bridges’ and 'value bombs' to ascend those new members into becoming regular buyers of your other courses and services at a higher price.

Usually within 7-14 days of their initial purchase, on average.

The DCP system is going to help promote, strengthen, and build your credibility and authority in your chosen marketplace. It's going to give you the opportunity to prep your list for purchasing other courses and products from you.

Any successful entrepreneur knows it’s easier to re-sell to an existing customer than to close a new customer. And, it ensures that your leads aren’t freebie-seekers. You know they’re people who trust you enough to give you some money.

You know what’s worse than losing money online? Getting a bunch of 'freebie seekers'. 


I want buyers, nothing but buyers …because 1 buyer = 100 freebie seekers. 


So why is this online training program only $3?

We teach our members to practically give their best stuff away at a price that's affordable for everyone. We tell them to tip the scale: Offer a TON of value, and charge less for it. 


So this is simply us taking our own advice


This is one of the easiest ways to improve your business by the way. Simply start offering more value than what you ask for in return.

We're making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what you're getting today, and you’ll want to do more business with us in the future. 


We also expect that you’ll enjoy this training program so much, you’ll call and ask to take additional classes or training from us.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, there's a 'no questions asked' 90 day money back guarantee. In fact, I think it’s the best money-back guarantee in the world. Here’s the world’s best guarantee:

I know, personally, that before I get into anything… I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money back guarantee. And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase. And even though it’s only $3, you worked for that money and it counts.

So here’s what I’ve arranged: Sign up to the course, check it out, but more importantly apply what you discover in there. If you’re not blown away by what you learn, then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 90 days. No questions asked.

Sound fair enough?

And, as you can see there's no bullsh*t countdown here that tries to create urgency or a limit on how many we 'let in'. We don’t sell using hype and we don’t use marketing tricks or gimmicks to get you to buy it.

You were smart enough to read this far and you’re smart enough to recognise a great thing when you see it…  This is a digital product after all so there is no official “expiration date” because we have an unlimited inventory.

But there is one thing that does have an expiration date – which is this method of acquiring customers.

This way of acquiring customers won’t last forever. 

We operate online and everyone can see what everyone else is doing so with that in mind..…I give it 1-3 years before “everyone is doing it” – and that’s being honest. 

The only difference is whether you’re going to be an early adopter and get all of the benefits of using this method right now, or do it later after everyone else is already using it and not being able to reap the rewards of success. The choice is yours. 

There comes a time when you have to make a choice and that time is now. 

Remember, the DCP training program comes with the BEST money back guarantee in the world. Download it, watch it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) – just send an email to and we’ll refund your $3 and let you keep everything free of charge.

Look, you can either carry on wasting more money on all those old, outdated tactics that no longer work and end up kicking yourself because you never took this opportunity to really generate some decent profit from your online course...


Or, you can discover how to automate your entire customer journey and triple the revenue you get from the sales of your online training program or learning experience without having to pay for any advertising and reap the rewards for years to come.

If you're selling an online course right now and it's not generating as much money as you want it to, that's because it’s missing this one thing. And today, you're going to get what's missing. This is the key to unlocking everything.






Latest Customer Reviews

"The system works better than any other method I've tried. Was using free guides before implementing and the results were dire. Don't have to worry about how much I'm spending on ads now either."

Lorenzo Fileri

Dog Trainer

“Was on Udemy before trying this out and I understand now why you need to be in full control of your online course marketing. The only thing stopping me from moving away was the fact I didn't think I would be able to do this on my own. Support is fantastic and really enjoying the 1-1 training"

Sarah Hawkins

Pottery Tutor

“Downloaded the guide a few months back, moved away from my online course platform and now things are looking so much better. Can't wait to get stuck into the online training and find out how to maximise my results going forward."

Annabelle Platt

Healthy Eating Coach

"Going through the guide on how this method works opened my eyes. I've been posting content on a daily basis and haven't made many sales. I can see why this works so well now and will be implementing everything I learn as soon as possible."

Steve Phipps

Course Creator

“I've stopped giving away my free course and started charging for it now! Totally makes sense and can't wait to see the results after I've added the second upsell to the funnel. Takes a fair bit of work but worth it. Especially when you realise your front end pays for your advertising spend. Thanks for bringing this out!"

Mark Jacobs

Investment Trainer

“Usually don't click on ads but this got my attention. Read the guide and that was enough for me to start working on changing my training business around. Not far off relaunch and highly recommend the workshops if you get stuck with anything. Best money I've spent ever and worth every penny."

Katy Allison

Voice Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This is for people who run online courses, lessons, training or teaching who need to acquire more paid signups to increase their income.

What is an ascension framework?

The ascension framework is designed to deliver little valuable bits of information through numerous channels to convince buyers to purchase your other courses, products and services within a short period of time.

Why is this training program only $3?

We teach our members to practically give their best stuff away at a price that's affordable for everyone. We tell them to tip the scale: Offer a TON of value, and charge less for it. So this is simply us taking our own advice.

How is this different than other models?

It works. We've tested this model against all the other 'out of date' systems and it's the best way to get unlimited sales for your online course without having to spend money.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. For the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to “upgrade”. We also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want us to help you implement everything.

If this system doesn't work can I get a refund?

Yes. In the unlikely event that this system doesn't do exactly what we say it does within 90 days, you can request a full refund. No questions asked. We'll even let you keep everything and you'll still be able to access the members area.