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Парижское соглашение по климату 2015 г., а также специальный доклад МГЭИК ясно показали, что для смягчения последствий 

his webinars focus was set on marine carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods, including carbon storage in oceanic crust as well as in geological formations of the German North Sea. The webinar was moderated by Samuel Eberenz, Project Manager Energy and Climate at the Risk Dialogue Foundation. We were very pleased to welcome our two guest speakers Prof. Dr. Gregor Rehder and Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf from CDRmare, who introduced us to the different and fascinating activities of the CDRmare research consortium.

The Paris Climate Agreement of 2015 as well as the IPCC special report have clearly shown that for mitigating the impacts of human-induced climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere is essential – in addition to the strong reduction of CO2 emissions. In this context, the CDRmare research mission is investigating whether and to what extent the ocean can play a significant role in removing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere.

We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Gregor Rehder, Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf and Sandra Ketelhake from CDRmare for the exciting webinar as well as the audience for their participation and their interesting inputs!

Here, you can learn more about the next CDR Swiss webinar “Deep-Dive USA” with focus on US policy and maritime CDR with Frances Wang (ClimateWorks Foundation) and Dr. Sifang Chen (Carbon180) on March 16, 2023, at 5 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Efectele schimbărilor climatice amenință deja mijloacele de trai, sănătatea și bunăstarea la nivel mondial. 
Elveția are, de asemenea, obiectivul de a-și reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră la zero net până în 2050 cel târziu. 
Îndepărtarea și stocarea ulterioară a CO₂ din atmosferă (cunoscută și sub denumirea de eliminare a dioxidului de carbon, CDR) 

What are CDR methods? Which ones are being discussed and implemented in Switzerland, and what role can they play on the road to net zero emissions? Our info brochure “Removing CO₂ from the air?” provides answers to these questions. The brochure is aimed at anyone who would like an initial overview of carbon dioxide removal and so-called negative emission technologies.

Why is CDR important?

The effects of climate change are already threatening livelihoods, health and well-being worldwide. Switzerland also has the goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 at the latest. The removal and subsequent storage of CO₂ from the atmosphere (also known as Carbon Dioxide Removal, CDR) is one piece of the puzzle to achieve the net zero target. Appropriate methods range from the promotion of natural carbon sinks and the sustainable use of forests to the mechanical filtering of CO₂ from the air.

Information Brochure

The brochure offers an introduction to the world of CO₂ removal and storage in Switzerland. In addition to information on the net zero target and the role of CDR in climate strategy, the brochure presents various CDR methods and their applications in Switzerland.

Where can I find the info brochure?

You can download the brochure as a PDF here or order printed copies by email. Unfortunately, the copies are only available in German. We are currently working on an English version. If you have any further questions or comments about the content, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Download information brochure in german (PDF)

Order brochures at: 

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Cei vizați în spargerile de conturi remarcă că lucrurile nu ar fi întâmplătoare. Or informațiile au fost publicate cu câteva minute înainte ca Guvern să sesizeze Curtea Constituțională pentru verificarea constituționalității activității Partidului Șor.

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